Join Our PTO Executive Board and Committee Chairs – Make a Difference!

Are you passionate about your child’s education? Do you want to play an active role in shaping school programs and events? We are looking for dedicated volunteers to join our Executive Board and Committee Chairs!


Why Volunteer? Serving on the PTO is a rewarding way to:

  • Enhance the educational experience for all students.
  • Strengthen the connection between parents, teachers, and school staff.
  • Develop leadership skills and make a meaningful impact in the school community.
  • Have a voice in decisions that affect students and school programs.

Positions Available: We have several leadership roles available! Below is a brief description of all roles and responsibilities - not just the currently vacant ones.  We like to have co-chairs so if we already have someone in place but you would also be a great fit let us know!

  • President – Oversee PTO meetings, coordinate with school staff, and guide initiatives.
  • VP Programs – Assist the President and help manage events and projects.
  • VP Fundraising – Assist the President and help oversee fundraising initiatives.
  • VP Membership – Assist the President, run annual membership drive and maintain the website/social media.
  • Treasurer – Maintain financial records and oversee the PTO budget.
  • Secretary – Record meeting minutes and manage communication.
  • Parliamentarian – Assist the President, oversee the nominating committee and shall step in as President if needed.
  • Committee Chairs – Lead special initiatives such as fundraising, events, and parent engagement.
    • Books (Library Liaison) - Shall coordinate book drives and volunteers for Librarian.
    • Business Sponsorships - Works with local businesses to support our PTO financially.
    • Campus Beautification – Shall be responsible for beautification of the school and campus
      grounds and playground improvement and maintenance.
    • Check Writing Campaign (D4D) – shall be responsible for managing all aspects of this fundraiser.
    • Destination Imagination - Coordinates school Destination Imagination teams (including team
      coaches); registers teams; schedules and informs participants of parent meetings, regional
      meetings, and competitions.
    • Dexter - Shall promote school spirit by coordinating Dexter the dragon appearances at various
      school events.
    • Rodeo – Shall form a committee to create and execute a community building activity for Deretchin
      families at the Spring Carnival.
    • Rodeo Auction– Shall coordinate auction items for event.
    • Rodeo Raffle—Shall coordinate raffle items for event.
    • Field Day – Shall coordinate with school personnel the supplies and volunteers needed to carry
      out Field Day.
    • Fine Arts Liaison - Shall coordinate volunteers needed to design backdrops, props and costumes for Fine Arts performances.
    • Home Room Parent Coordinator – Shall coordinate with the Room Parents as well as the Lead
      Teachers, the PTO activities requiring homeroom parent involvement.
    • Hospitality – Shall be responsible for stocking the teacher's lounge and assisting with welcoming families to our school.
    • Logo/Merchandise (Spirit Wear) – Shall be responsible for overseeing all logo items’ design, sale, delivery and distribution for the school.
    • Meet and Greet – Shall plan, organize and carry out events relating to the PTO during the Deretchin “Meet the Teacher” Night; will coordinate with other committee chairpersons; requires time during the summer vacation.
    • Publicity – Shall maintain school’s marquee and PTO signage.
    • Fifth Grade Events - Shall plan the events for fifth grade students.
    • Sixth Grade Events – Shall plan the fall and spring events for sixth grade students.
    • Spirit Events - Shall coordinate events with local business partnerships as fundraisers.
    • Supply Cart - Oversee ordering, stocking and running the teacher supply cart on a semiregular basis.
    • Teacher Appreciation (TAP) – Shall be responsible for organizing events to show appreciation for
      Deretchin teachers and staff; requires planning and coordination of volunteers and donations.
    • Webmaster – Shall coordinate design and maintenance of PTO website and social media.
    • Winter Wonderland - Shall be responsible for the operation of the Winter Wonderland store
      including coordination of volunteer workers; purchasing merchandise, setting sales prices,
      maintaining inventory records, and marketing of the store, approve and record all expenditures,
      deposits and sales tax information. Shall be responsible for maintaining accurate accounting
      records in conjunction with the treasurer.
    • Walk to School/Red Ribbon Week/Gen Tx Week - shall assist VP Programs with these annual events.
    • Yearbook – Shall coordinate the design, layout and distribution of an annual yearbook for the

How to Get Involved: Joining is easy! If you’re interested in making a difference, please fill out a nomination form for executive board or committee chairs.


Your time and talents can make a significant impact on our school community. Whether you have a few hours a month or can take on a leadership role, we welcome all levels of involvement.


Questions? Feel free to reach out to Christie Conley at or Michele Nicol at for more details.


Thank you for supporting our school and students—we can’t do it without you!
