Each year the Deretchin PTO invites local businesses to partner with our school. Your partnership helps us provide technology for the classroom, website subscriptions, field trips, staff appreciation, staff development, and much more. To thank our businesses partners, we offer recognition throughout the entire school year. All bronze level through platinum level business partners will be acknowledged on our PTO website, newsletters, meetings, Facebook, and on the back of our Field Day shirt.
In addition, we have several a la carte options available. We value our local businesses, and we hope that you will consider partnering with us for the 2024-2025 school year. Deadline for bronze level through platinum level business sponsors is June 30th to allow for printing prior to the first day of school on August 14th. Below are the opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year.
For those interested in a la cart opportunities:
Contact Holly Mullin (holly.mullin@icloud.com) or Jennifer Rice (daymondandjenniferrice@gmail.com) for more information or mail payment to:
Deretchin PTO
Attn: Business Sponsorships
11000 Merit Oaks Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77382